Upcoming events

Ash Wednesday Service
Our Lenten journey begins this evening with singing, reflection, and the imposition of ashes in our beautiful chapel at our 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday service.

Music First Presents: Major Duo
First Congregational Church of Evanston’s free concert series Music First returns on February 16th at 3 pm. The afternoon will showcase local musicians Sonya Major and Zach Kidder (Major Duo) performing jazzy favorites in First Congregational’s acoustically superb sanctuary at 1445 Hinman Ave. The artists will join attendees for a cookie reception following their performance.
Blending intricate guitar artistry with soulful, emotive vocals, Major and Kidder have performed with some of Chicago’s most acclaimed musicians, captivating audiences across Chicago with their fresh interpretations of classic jazz and pop songs. Their combined artistry brings sophistication and depth to every performance.
Music First is dedicated to supporting local musicians, promoting public arts, and building community through free concerts in Evanston. It is a project of First Congregational Church of Evanston (FCCE), a progressive congregation of the United Church of Christ committed to musical excellence and the arts.
This concert is free and open to all: join us for A Jazzy Afternoon!

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Ours is a faith community that celebrates the beauty of inclusivity. As an inclusive congregation, we welcome all faith experiences and family types; we are an open and affirming community of faith who welcome and celebrate differences of age, ability, race, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and national origin. All are invited to worship with us on Christmas Eve, no matter where you are on your journey of life and faith.

Contemplative Saturday
Join us on Saturday, October 19th for a family-friendly Saturday morning centered on labyrinth meditation.

Music First: Autumn Spirit feat. Joe George
Musician Joe George brings a concert of original piano and synthesizer pieces, as well as a newly composed string quartet. All ages are welcome at his free concert in our beautiful sanctuary. Celebrate the spirit of autumn with amazing music! Cookie recepion to follow.

Beachside Worship
Our annual Beachside Worship Service is a beloved tradition at First Congregational Church. We gather at the fire ring at Lighthouse Beach for a warm, interactive, and inspiring service against the backdrop of Lake Michigan. We hope you and your family will join us for this all-ages outdoor service!

Golf Outing and BBQ
Join us for our annual golf outing at Canal Shores Golf Course. Later, come to a barbecue to celebrate our golfers’ victories (and commiserate about their defeats). Contact the church office for more information.

Outdoor Worship in the park
Celebrate the summer season with us as we worship outdoors in the triangle park behind our sanctuary building at 1445 Hinman Ave. All are welcome!

The Altered Hat
Show off your millinery creations from our spring hatmaking workshops at the Altered Hat Opening Fashion Show and Tea! Join us after worship on June 23 to model your own hat and enjoy tea and treats.