Our Ministries
Serving the Vulnerable
Our church is a founding member of Interfaith Action of Evanston (IAE). Through IAE we provide a warm bed in the winter for our unhoused neighbors. Every Friday we serve lunch in our Community Center for those who are hungry. We collect diapers, food and personal items for those in need. We give generously of our time and treasure to serve those on the margins of society.
Standing for Justice
First Congregational puts our faith into action in the public square. We march in the Pride Parade and organize against gun violence. We are active in the movement for reparations for Black Americans and provide welcome to immigrants. We care for all of God’s creation because our faith compels us to speak and act.
Caring for the Community
Our church cares for its people in all the phases and stages of life. Pastor Jason celebrates baptisms and conducts funerals. The deacons of the church are present for our people when they are sick and hurting. Whether it is a hospital call, a meal for someone following surgery, or simply a pastoral visit to share the struggles of life, we seek to love one another, just as Jesus loved us.
Growing in the Faith
The people of First Congregational are ever seeking a deeper understanding of God. We offer bible studies, book discussions, youth groups, Sunday School, church retreats and spiritual practices to help people connect to the Divine and to one another.