Learn With Us
At First Congregational Church of Evanston, we take seriously the command to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:27, Common English Bible). From babies and toddlers learning about the love of God through a caring, safe nursery environment to adults of all ages and backgrounds discussing the book of Genesis in Bible study, opportunities abound for everyone to love God with their minds.
We are firmly committed to the safety and security of children and youth in our activities. For that reason, we have a Safe Church policy that requires background checks of all children’s ministry volunteers. All children’s activities require the presence of two unrelated adults. For more information on the steps we take to ensure a safe environment, contact Rev. Liz Jones, Minister of Community Life and Communications. Parents and caregivers are welcome to accompany their child to Sunday School any time.
During the summer months, we take a break from the Sunday School classroom for Summer Spirit. Our nursery supervisor and an adult volunteer lead children across the street to Raymond Park where they play together and deepen friendships as they enjoy the great outdoors.
Sunday School
Elementary aged children in grades K-6 begin their Sunday morning in the Sanctuary and then are dismissed with their volunteer teachers to Sunday School in the Community Center (½ block south of the Sanctuary on Hinman). Our multiage classroom allows children to build relationships with older and younger children, creating a “family-like” atmosphere. Older kids learn patience and leadership skills as they support the younger ones, and younger kids develop their social skills and revel in the attention of the “big kids.” Our curriculum, Illustrated Ministry Mini Revolutions, invites students to engage with Bible stories through art, play, and conversation. After Sunday School, our teachers bring the children back to the Sanctuary to join their parents and caregivers for fellowship time.
Children and Families
It is a joy to watch children grow up at FCCE, from Baptism to Confirmation and beyond. We seek to partner with parents and caregivers in teaching young people about God’s love and helping them grow into the unique, amazing people they have been created to be.
Every Sunday, our nursery coordinator, Kelly Tran, cares for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers ages 0 to 4. Although there is no formal curriculum in the nursery, children learn about God’s love through gentle, compassionate care.
Sunday School is the core of our programming for children, but we also offer opportunities for learning, celebration, and fun throughout the year. During the Christmas season, our children work hard to produce a Christmas pageant that they share with the congregation during one of our Advent worship services.
Tweens, pre-teens, and middle school youth are welcome in the Double Digit Club, a group for young people aged 10-13. The Double Digit Club meets several times a year for food, activities, and developmentally appropriate conversation on topics relevant to early adolescents.
FCCE offers a confirmation program for middle school youth. Students learn about our shared history and traditions and explore their own faith more deeply. In the spring, we invite these students to affirm their baptisms and join the church during a youth-led Confirmation service.
Older teens can find opportunities for volunteering, learning, and leadership at FCCE. Our programs for older teens are driven by the needs and interests of our youth. For more information on ways for teens to become involved, contact Liz Jones.
Adult Faith Formation
Throughout the year, adults at First Congregational participate in a variety of learning opportunities. These include online and in-person Bible study and discussion groups, our annual fall retreat, special Lenten dinners and studies, topical educational sessions, and more. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn about upcoming opportunities to grow in your faith.
Grow With Us In All Seasons
In the autumn, we gather at Tower Hill Camp and Retreat Center in Sawyer, MI for an all-church retreat. We worship, make art, play, and enjoy nature together. This cross-generational retreat nourishes both heart and head.
Our children’s annual Christmas pageant is a gift to the whole congregation! Every year, our Sunday School children (and their teachers!) work hard to rehearse and perform a unique pageant that tells the old story in a new way!
Throughout Lent, we gather to share a simple supper and discussion together. These times of fellowship and conversation deepen our spirituality during a season of reflection.
Summer brings a different rhythm to our church life, providing new opportunities for families to worship and learn together. Our annual Beachside Worship Service is an intergenerational, experiential gathering that touches both mind and heart.